Social Integration

Social Integration

As a responsible employer, the Group is committed to providing a fair workplace through promoting non-discrimination and diversity to staff, together with competitive remunerations and benefits based on skill, knowledge, responsibilities and involvement in the Group’s affairs, as well as opportunities for career development based on merits and performances. With a special emphasis on assuring comprehensive welfares and safeguards for its employees, the remuneration is reviewed annually to reflect employees’ performance, experiences and market condition.

The Group is devoted to provide equal employment opportunities in relation to all human resources matters including recruitment, training, promotion, transfer, remuneration, etc. regardless of gender, disability, family status, marital status, pregnancy, race, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, and employees enjoy the same benefits regardless of their backgrounds. The Group enforces zero tolerance on differential treatment and harassment on grounds of race, disability, sex and family status whereas discrimination, harassment and vilification on the ground of sexual orientation will not be tolerated in the workplace. 

The Group’s effort in supporting employees’ personal development and professional training allows it to attract the right talents that match closely with its operation needs. Its staff handbook outlines a comprehensive framework together with detailed human resources management policies, and also provides information and guidelines to its staff in the areas of working conditions, benefits and remunerations, training and development as well as health and safety. The Group regularly reviews its staff handbook to dovetail with new legal and regulatory requirements so as to offer a supportive and equal workplace for its employees.
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